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city trafiic


Your Goal: Citizen Safety and Convenience
Effective management of streets, roadways, signs and traffic lights are important for citizens’ safety and convenience as they live their daily lives. Your community needs safe roads to avoid accidents; effective streetlights to keep transportation flowing; and happy citizens to encourage community growth and revenue. 

Your Challenge: Roadblocks to Efficiency
Without proper management of streets and transportation assets, your community can suffer. You may have more traffic backups, accidents and higher costs on the back-end—even legal liability. Without data-driven insights, it can also be tough to know whether you should replace or repair your transportation assets. Service requests can stack up. Your staff can get overwhelmed. And creating an accurate budget becomes a challenge.

To optimize efficiency, you need transportation management software that provides a methodical way to manage it all and keep you in the driver’s seat. The right software can help your team: 

  • Create an accurate budget to cover all your repairs and replacements
  • Eliminate bottlenecks in your transportation system
  • Optimize your staff to avoid overtime
  • Avoid spending extra time and money caused by mismanagement or reworks
  • Decrease the risk of disgruntled citizens and businesses
  • Improve citizen satisfaction and communication with online citizen portal
  • Capture data to create and present accurate budgets to city councils
  • View all streets and transportation assets and activities from one dashboard

All the Tracking You Need—All in One Place.
Smart, real-time software that can manage your entire transportation asset landscape is the simplest and best way to optimize your resources and stay one step ahead. With MaintStar Enterprise Asset Management Software (EAMS), your staff can strategically manage all of your streets and transportation assets, budgets and costs through data-driven insights. And they can do it all in one modular platform that’s extremely easy to use and can expand to other departments over time.

  • Real-time reporting: Helps you track the cost of asset maintenance and/or justify asset replacement.
  • Manage critical infrastructure: Increases efficiency managing critical work orders to keep transportation moving. 
  • Automate work orders: Easy-to-use preventive maintenance templates automate and track work orders. 
  • Tracks progress: Key Performance Indicator (KPI) dashboard provides a visual overview of user-defined key metrics—keeping important work front and center.
  • Geographical Information System (GIS): View GIS data, aerial imagery, asset location information and online web maps with ease—while only maintaining one database. Track asset locations and easily create work orders from the map.
  • Automatic notifications: Changes to asset status trigger automatic alerts.
  • Promotes citizen engagement: Citizens can easily enter notifications and track progress of repairs in the online portal – no need to call or come in.
  • Drives community satisfaction: Helps maintain a high level of service to your citizens. 
  • Supports capital expenditures and budgeting: Helps you create a budget and justify funding requests backed by true data—including critical metrics and asset ratings (e.g., asset age, safety risks, liability in case of failure).
  • Drives efficiency: Enables full electronic processing of asset management and public works operations.  
  • View asset history at a glance: Track reports, work in progress, inspections and expenditures.  
  • Mobile-friendly productivity: Perform inspections, upload photos and more from the field. 

Software Highlight: Asset Lifecycle Module

Managing transportation assets is faster and easier with our EAMS software, which features: 

  • Asset Lifecycle Module: Helps you track and rate the criticality of your streets and transportation assets, as well as the remaining years of life. This leads to better capital planning of repair and replacement of assets, plus better utilization of budgets and personnel.